

Will formally change to application/hson


We'll pull out the HSON parser into a separate NPM lib that can be embedded easily into other JS/TypeScript projects.

Automatically-Assembled Objects

In rare cases, some pieces of the object may be outside of the sa5-data block, particularly items that cannot be Field-embedded such as rich text content.

In this case, we might support a special attribute on those elements such as [wfu-data-item] along with field, db, dsn identifiers, and specify the field for an object-merge. e.g. article.text would indicate the nested article object, with a text field. Objects would be created as needed. I am probably in favor of an object-merge approach.

Alternative Multiline Delimiters

As multiline string delimiters, < > are concise and unambiguous, however we are also considering the use of """, ``` or \\\ delimiters to make them more visible.

We expect that the need for multiline strings support is relatively low.


Some means to indicate comments, preferably;

  • Full line comments

  • End of line comments


Some means to indicate arrays.

  • Blank lines?

  • [] and indent prefix?

  • Separate items with a shared context on a param? -> I like this

Last updated